Bila nak confirm kehadiran diri
Homework sekolah dulu pagi2 tiru si Senthi
Dah tua2 ni takkan las minit lagi!
Tempahlah bilik darhi rhini
Ku takut kejadian tidak diingini
Mengkomer tido ateh kerhetapi!
Yuzlan, as for now the following are the appointed committee members and each individual comes with a title.., we have the liberty to fire or hire based on majority say.. we also have the right to appoint new committee members, sub-committees (for Moh Balik Kuale meet 27/03/2010) as and when the situation warrants for one..
PRESIDENT : Faisal Ghazali
ALTERNATE CPO (1) : Yassin @ Awang
ALTERNATE CPO (2) : Aiznin
CSO(CHIEF SECURITY) : Husni @ konfius
LEGAL EXPERT : Subayogan, Aiznin
DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE : Dr Senthi, Dr Senthuran
USTAZ IN THE HOUSE : Hj Jamaluddin
Mael Talang, Jeffry Faisal, Sham talang, Halim Rahman, Suhaimi Putu, BJ –Bakar Jamili, Arif Kati, Latip Karai, Radzi @ Ben, Fazuli, John Amaluddin, Rosli Karai, Azizul Rahman, Awie Dicu
Salam to all Cliffordians 73/78
Never once in my life I had a dream that God will give a "second chance" to spark and to add more spice in my routine. Throughout all this while, life has been very predictable and "simple" to me. Yes, I am contented in what I have, as a loyal and faithful husband and a proud father of two girls who cheers and life, but to add headache most of the time as they are growing up with more "needs" than before.
Before,wake up in the morning, heading to school and straight to my room, thinking of what happened yesterday or the day before, opened the "Buku Disiplin" looked out for the names and the person who, found guilty, will and justice has to be meted out, taking my long cane and splasssshhh..., then as usual sent to the counsellor.
Then, as senior assistant, upon reaching school, switched on the pc to check the email from Edu. Department, read and reply... But It was before....
Now, my life change for the better. I always start my day, thanking God that I'm alive and survive for another day and would eagerly looking forward for what's new on what's news. Thank you my dear friends. Life has never been the same, but with more excitement.
Now, after I've settled with the emails from Edu. Depart., my breakfast will be the Cliffordians googlegroups. My moning has been added with fun, antics, jokes, thoughts, etc.
Thanks Rahman, the linguist expert of Bahasa Kuale, the pekat accent and provocative joint recently by Chan, the imformative news from Azizul, saying hi by Aiznin, journey of life by Sham Gemuk, fatherly's advice by Mr Presidents Chee, latest update and nostalgic events by CPO, crazy words by Husni and Latif, tokok-tambah by Pa Idris, a man of courage by Ben and Zuli, retro songs by Zubir, harga minyak but never a facts by Noni, a once in a while priceless say by Jefry Faisal and many more of you guys here. What's a day to start and to end.....
We pen our recollections of our childhoods, growing up in every corner of Kuale, the Royal town. The memories in Kuale, that taught us how to survive and till now we managed to put our lives on the right of what we think is right to lead our life to hereafter. Kuale has taught us to be more mature as we grow up . Now we, the Cliffordians are all over, .... as the lyric goes, " ...dari Perlis sampai ke Sabah, kita sudah berjaya.." Have we?
I now know better the meaning of "friendship" . I've reinvent myself. Those who ever surf to "this" only know and found out that "You have friendin us, the Cliffordians". After the Jan 9, I have brought myself to realise. I am more seasoned with confidence, and I learnt to respect true meaning of friendship after 31 years.
So, my Cliffordians, coming this March 27, I hope to see more of us. We have important cause to share with all of you the the benefit of our Alma Mater, be it primary or secondary.
To Mior Puaat, Zamzuri Shuib,Kumaraguru, Imbarajan and the rest who were unable to be with us at Chandan Gallery, "Welcome on board.". God bless all of us.
Salam Hormat
Yasin Ismail
Here are my thoughts when your mini Parliament sits later tonight at Latif's Karai Dewan Assembly for the MOH BALIK KUALE 27/3 meet, please take into considerations the following during pembentangan usul by members and update us accordingly once consensus received :-
1. NO CHANGE OF DATE - 27/03/2010 had been agreed upon after taking into consideration meet cannot be held during the 1st term school holidays as a number will not able to make it due to "kenduri kahwin" and short family vacations during the period. Saturday 27/03 was picked too due to sentiments that Kedah/Trengganu is a weekend for the state.
2. SCHOOL VISITS IN THE MORNING & AFTERNOON – We leave this for all of you to decide and proposed particularly to outline the day's activity during the visit, request for permission from school, plans on any monetary contributions to school or selected students etc.
3. ECONOMY OF SCALE ONE - As this meet will be conducted as SIMPLE & SEDERHANA as possible with the theme stated by our President ' Enjoy the company, Enjoy the food & Enjoy the experience', try as much as possible to minimize the cost and logistic deliverables as this meet is to give the opportunity to those who didn't make it at the 1st Reunion as well as for all of us to be back to our roots at familiar territory and environment.
4. ECONOMY OF SCALE TWO - If the luncheon for 6th Formers 79/80 batch is without a proper sub-committee in place, if it will incur additional and unnecessary cost, if it will logistically create unwarranted hassle for you and YB yang lain… FORGET ABOUT IT! and have it together with the Cliffordian 1973/78 batch in the evening until night. I don't think the ladies especially, will feel out of place as evident when 5 of the ladies who turned up during the 1st reunion at Chandan Gallery.
5. MORE TIME TO SPEND AND CATCH UP amongst us and as fun and carefree as possible. With that in mind I propose the evening commence at 4pm onwards with registration, light refreshments with some kueh kampong style, more time to mingle, berdiskusi & sembang2. I would think the Resort has surau for Muslims to do Asar & Maghrib.
6. AGENDA PROPER starts after Maghrib.
Proposed agenda for the evening.
i) Registration of Cliffordian Batch 73/78 & Batch 79/80(ladies) – 4.00pm – 7pm
Light Refreshments served, mingle, sembang & diskusi time..!
ii) Adjourn for Maghrib with Ustaz Jamaluddin to give a 15-20 minutes tazkirah entitled NILAI PERSAHABATAN DLM KONTEKS ISLAM
iii) Roll Call for New Cliffordian Geng in the circle – (Those attended during the 1st reunion will be exempted).
iv) 5-10 minutes Speech by Organizing Chairman
v) Speech by former teachers – maybe we get at least 3 teachers for a short speech
vi) Cenderahati presentation to teachers from the Group
vii) Cenderahati to teachers for any individual amongst us who wishes to give anything to the teachers in attendance as a token of appreciation. It can be anything, kain pelekat ke, kain batik ke, sebakul durian, resipi sup tulang etc etc.
viii) Award presentation to fellow Cliffordians for the night and to be given away by former teachers. (We'll think of the category of awards and let the prize remain as mystery.
1. DINNER - 9.00 PM
3. MOONLIGHTING SESSION with hot coffee/tea served – MIDNIGHT ONWARDS
Diminta YB semua dapat membahaskan usul-usul serta cadangan seperti yang tertera diatas.
Regards & Wassallam
From: Mohamad Faisal Ghazali <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 03:33:38 +0800
Subject: Re: MOH BALIK KUALE 27/03/10
Kengkawan Ahli Dewan Semua,
Setelah saya selesai baca kesemua 220 posting utk Khamis 28/01; disini saya ingin ajukan pendapat saya mengenai perkara2 yg telah diketengah:-
Program: Moh Balik Kuale
Haruslah kita ingat akan tujuan program ini disarankan adalah untuk adanya keseninambungan aktiviti Cliffordian 73/78 serta memberi peluang untuk bertemu kembali kepada kengkawan yang tidak dapat hadir acara Crew Rebond 09/01/10, kengkawan baru menyertai grup dan juga kengkawan yang senantiasa menyokong program2.
Kita juga merancang untuk adakan satu 'Grand Reunion' pada tahun depan untuk menyambut sekali peralihan hidup keseparuh abad kebanyakan dari kita, yang mana kita boleh juga adakan program ini diKuala dengan aktiviti2 yang lebih comprehensive & effective.
Jadi mungkin adalah lebih bersesuaian jika program Moh Balik Kuale ini kita adakan dengan aktiviti serba sederhana dengan tujuan untuk kita ' Enjoy the Company, Enjoy the Food & Enjoy the Experience'.
Perlu saya ingatkan disini bahawa program ini akan diselengarakan secara sukarela oleh jawatankuasa kecil pengajur yang diketuai oleh VP Azlin.
Jadi adalah berpatutan jika kita tanggungjawabkan kepada jawatankuasa ini untuk menentukan aktiviti2 pada hari itu mengikut kemampuan mereka dan kita harus menghargai usaha mereka dengan menghadirkan diri beramai2.
Moh Kita Yop
Reunion: 6 Formers 79/80
Saya berpendapat, cadangan kengkawan kita dari grup ini untuk mengadakan program yang sama patut disokong dan diselaraskan. Jadi saya cadangkan program mereka diadakan pada hari yang sama tetapi pada waktu yang berbeza. Ini dapat membantu kengkawan kita yang tergolong dalam kedua2 grup untuk mempermudahkan urusan kerja, keluarga dan perjalanan. Juga usaha dan kos logistik dapat dikurangkan serta ianya dapat menentukan kehadiran yang mengalakkan.
Kemungkinan perjumpaan 79/80 boleh diadakan pada waktu makan tengahari dari jam 1 hingga 4.30 petang. Dan perjumpaan 73/78 bermula jam 6 petang dan berlarutan ke tengah malam. Dengan cara ini kita dapat memberi peluang kengkawan kita menggunakan waktu pagi untuk perjalanan, aktiviti keluarga atau aktiviti sampingan rasmi yang dicadang/tidak rasmi. Disini, kita harus biarkan jawatankuasa penganjur menentukan jangkawaktu muktamat yang bersesuaian.
Walaubagaimanapun, haruslah diingatkan grup 79/80 perlu tubuhkan jawatankuasa kecilnya untuk menjayakan pertemuan yang dicadang. Adalah dinasihatkan satu jaringan komunikasi tersendiri yang bersesuaian perlu diadakan untuk kemudahan grup supaya ianya tidak dicampur-adukkan dengan jaringan 73/78.
Kengkawan diatas adalah cadangan saya, sila beri pandangan atau sokongan. Dan ianya, tidak semestinya muktamat.
Terima Kasih.
The Ship Is More Than The Crew
From: Afandi Hashim <>
Sent: Thu, January 28, 2010 1:48:47 PM
Subject: MOH BALIK KUALE-jgn lupe singgah sek !
selamat tengah hari cliffordian
teman rasa leh weh! kalau balik ke kuale nak dinner je kat tebing sg.perak tu rasanya tak berape semporne kalau tak melawat sek ...rupa kita pakai seluor tapi tak pakai spender ....apa rasa yob?nama dah cliffordian yak!!!....................jadi teman cadang je !kalau boleh belah pagi kite ke sek dulu. mln baru rase seronok .baru le cliffordian namanya! asyik cerita cliffordian tapi edak langsong nak coria... jgn marah yob! sebab puncanya kita dah di kuale ...bukan dinner di KL....LA....NZ....SARAWAK KE...SIAM KE..tak gitu che yassin!!! udah DIKUALEEE!............... jadi teman cadang just cadang je!! ..No1-pagi pukul 10 kita assembly kat dewan ROLL-CALL dan nyayi lagu NEGARA KU. No2 kita tour ke block2 sek libary .mana budak hostel dulu boleh lah melawat hostel. selalunya hari sabtu ada scout meeting club2metting..kita boleh beri talk kat deme tentang pengalaman kita semasa kita jadi scout atau club2 No3 kalau boleh kita jemaah ramai2 kat surau (dulu kita tak ada surau) No4. kita makan (light snack) kat canteen...bayar sendiri bukanya apa nak nampak susana berebut2 masa kat canteen dulu kala. BAGITU LAH CERITANYA ..HALF DAY TOUR TO ALMA MATER;..JUST HALF DAY JUST MORE THEN ENOUGH...baru le nama CLIFFORDIAN7378 YOB!!!!Oi Oi!!!!!!malam dinner baru ada kepuasaan sebagai old cliffordian sekelian terima kasih...........fandi